W-P AFB, OH W912QR-19C-0013


The project involves a comprehensive overhaul of Taxiway D and B2 and an overlay of the short runways. Below are the details for each segment of the project:

Taxiway D & B2: Full Depth Replacement

  1. Scope of Work: This segment includes repairing and replacing specific sections of Taxiway D and B2.

    • Taxiway D: Sections T11C and T28C between Taxiway B and Runway 05R-23L.
    • Taxiway B1: Sections T12C and T29C between Taxiway B and the East Ramp.
  2. Excavation: The project begins with removing the existing pavement and materials to reach the subgrade. This process ensures a clean and stable foundation for the new construction.

  3. Subgrade and Subbase Work: Once excavation is complete, the subgrade will be prepared and stabilized to support the new pavement. This involves compacting the soil and potentially adding stabilizing materials to ensure a solid base. A new subbase layer will be installed to further enhance the taxiways’ stability and load-bearing capacity.

  4. Full-Depth Concrete Replacement: The existing pavement will be replaced with full-depth concrete, ensuring a durable and long-lasting surface. This involves laying down new concrete, which will be designed to withstand the heavy loads and frequent use typical of airport taxiways.

  5. Width Increase: The taxiways will be widened from 50 to 75 feet. This expansion will accommodate larger aircraft and improve overall safety and efficiency.

  6. Underdrain System Repair: The project includes repairing the underdrain system that runs parallel to the taxiways. The underdrain system is crucial for managing water runoff and preventing water damage to the pavement.

    • Reconnection to Storm Sewer System: The underdrains will be reconnected to the existing storm sewer system to ensure adequate water drainage and prevent potential waterlogging issues.

Overlay of Short Runways:

  1. Surface Preparation: The short runways’ existing surfaces will be thoroughly cleaned and prepared for the overlay process. This may involve milling the surface to create a suitable texture for the new overlay to adhere to.

  2. Overlay Application: A new pavement layer will be applied over the existing runway surfaces. This overlay will improve the runways’ smoothness, durability, and safety, extending their operational life and enhancing performance.

  3. Quality Control: Throughout the project, rigorous quality control measures will be implemented to ensure that all work meets the highest standards. This includes regular inspections, testing of materials, and adherence to all relevant regulations and guidelines.

  4. Environmental Considerations: All work will be conducted carefully, considering ecological impacts. This includes managing dust and emissions, controlling runoff and erosion, and ensuring compliance with all environmental regulations.

  5. Coordination and Safety: The project will involve careful coordination with airport operations to minimize disruptions. Safety measures will be in place to protect workers, airport staff, and the public during the construction process.

Summary: This extensive project aims to enhance the infrastructure of Taxiway D and B2, as well as the short runways, by replacing deteriorated sections, widening the taxiways, and improving drainage systems. The runway overlay will further enhance the airport’s safety and functionality. The project underscores a commitment to maintaining high standards of quality and safety while addressing the evolving needs of modern aviation.


TITAN RoleSite Safety & Health Officer (SSHO)
ClientAnthony Allega Cement Contractor Inc.
Contract Price$13,770,342

Site Safety & Health Officer Scope of Work

  • Conduct daily safety and health inspections, maintaining a log of inspected areas, dates, hazards, corrective actions, and completion dates. Submit daily reports to the QC Manager.
  • Conducted mishap investigations, completed accident reports, and reported near misses.
  • Use and maintain OSHA’s Form 300 to log work-related injuries and post Form 300A on the site safety bulletin board.
  • Attend pre-construction, mutual understanding, three-phase quality, and progress meetings.
  • Review, approve, implement, and enforce the APP and Accident Hazard Awareness (AHAs) for compliance with EM385-1-1.
  • Maintain applicable safety reference materials on-site.
  • Establish and maintain a safety deficiency tracking system.
  • Maintain a list of hazardous chemicals and their Safety Data Sheets (SDSs).
  • Maintain a weekly list of high-hazard activities and be prepared to discuss details during Quality Control Progress Meetings.