The Importance of Magnetic Resonance Safety Officer in Construction Industry

When it comes to diagnosing injuries and illnesses, most people know about X-rays and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), but not many people know what MRI is.

MRI is an imaging technology that helps doctors see and identify organ function and any medical-related problems. The machine consists of strong magnets, radio waves, and innovative software that provides images of the body and how it functions. All over the world, MRI is regarded as the best method to have detailed information about particular body organs, mostly the brain.

The many reasons why MRI is one of the most useful diagnostic tool are

  • Finding out changes (stroke or tumor) or bleeding in the brain
  • Back problems such as herniated disc
  • Any internal injury such as ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament)

According to recent research, almost 40 million MRI scans are performed in the country. People suffer from chronic illnesses and sudden injuries, for which an MRI scan is valuable to give a proper insight and help a doctor diagnose an illness or injury.

The MRI system includes two types of certifications that are MRSO (Magnetic Resonance Safety Officer) and MRSE (Magnetic Resonance Safety Expert).

The MRSO course is developed for an MR technologist responsible for MRI safety at the immediate point of care.

Conversely, the MRSE course is useful for those MR individuals who offer technical consulting and determine the safety measure for complex situations. The MRSE certification provides more insight into MRI safety regarding the physical aspect of MRI safety.

The Importance of MRI in Construction

The construction industry is one industry where there is a high risk of injury for everyone associated with a project, from machine operators to workers and even a contractor. Due to potential hazards, and stressful injuries, the federal government and its organization, such as OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), emphasize safety training.

The contractors who manage the complete construction contract, either government or private, fulfill certain requirements. In recent times, a contractor has to be qualified and experienced and needs to pass certain health, safety, and environmental courses.

The unfortunate accidents and injuries can easily be prevented on the worksite if proper safety measures are implemented. A contractor must pass the various training programs to become eligible to manage a government or private construction contract. Today, there is the use of modern equipment and numerous efficient training methods, but still, construction-related injuries keep on increasing each year.

To provide necessary treatment and avoid construction accident lawsuits, there is the inclusion of MRSE in the construction contract. The various types of injury for which an MRI scan is required include

  • Falls
  • Getting injured due to heavy machines and falling objects
  • Burns or electrocution
  • High noise levels
  • Vehicle-related injury

The most common cause of injury during construction is ‘fall’ which can result in damage to the bone, ligament, tendon, and tissue in the body. The workers are sometimes at risk of falling from scaffolding, ladders, roofs, and cranes.

There are a few injuries to the bones, cartilage, ligament, and soft tissue that are not detected by ordinary scans such as radiographs. An MRI scan is the best method to get detailed information about damage to the bones, soft tissues, ligaments, and tendons.

At a construction site, an individual is at risk of getting injury to his hands, knee, spine, ankle, wrist, and hips. Fractures and bone dislocations are common injuries that most workers sustain during construction.

The workers are also at risk of getting head injuries that can be quite serious and long-term. An MRI scan is essential to get timely information about the injury and allow doctors to diagnose and offer correct treatment. Head injuries can occur due to falls or getting struck by objects. The injured worker may have to undergo numerous surgical procedures and spend several months in rehabilitation, but it all depends on the nature and extent of the injury.

The MRSE course is necessary for contractors, supervisors, and managers involved in managing the safety of the workers on the construction site. An MRSE is responsible for performing various operations with the MRI system. The tasks that an MRSE performs includes

  • Make sure that all the required policies and rules regarding MRI systems are followed
  • Administrating safe working conditions and ensuring all measures to minimize health risks are implemented
  • Making risk assessments of patients and screening the patients for implants
  • Ensuring all the rules and regulations are followed for safe MRI equipment use
  • Explaining all the procedures to the senior medical staff and heads of department on the MRI scan operation
  • Make sure that all medical, nursing, and technical staff are properly educated and receive updates on the MRI system safety requirement
  • Devising a clear policy on the purchase and transport of MRI systems to the MR related critical areas
  • Provide necessary training to MR personnel
  • Devising MR Safety programs and the MR Quality Assurance programs

The MRSE program is specifically designed for individuals who want to get information on the MRI system’s safe clinical and technical operation.


MRI scan is the best method to identify and diagnose acute and chronic injuries. The MRI system also differentiates between soft tissue injury and stress fractures. There is a growing need for MRSE to make sure safe practices are followed for all MR-related operations. The knowledge and experience of an MRSE help reduce a high number of patient cancellations and boost the performance of the MRI department.

To become an MRSE, specific medical-related knowledge is required, but there are a limited number of courses. However, certain institutions are offering online MR courses that an individual can easily take and pass just with the help of the internet and laptop or mobile.

The construction sites are high-risk places where workers can easily get injured. However, professional safety training can help contractors manage safety measures and minimize unfortunate accidents. The MR Safety Certified for MRSE is valid for 10 years after successfully passing the examination.